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The Employees Retraining Board Mourning Statement

Dr. NG Tat-lun, SBS, JP, Chairman of the Employees Retraining Board (ERB), passed away in peace on 14th January 2013. The Vice-chairman, Members and colleagues of the ERB would like to express our deepest sympathy and condolence to Dr. NG’s family.

Dr. NG was appointed the Vice-chairman of the ERB in 2005-06 and subsequently the Chairman in 2009-10. He spared no efforts to steer the development of the ERB and enhance its service quality, guiding the ERB to provide timely and suitable training courses and services to Hong Kong people. Under Dr. NG’s leadership, the ERB launched a host of new initiatives and strengthened its work on quality assurance and corporate governance. His achievements were remarkable.

Dr. NG was a Chartered Mechanical Engineer and Manufacturing Engineer in United Kingdom, an Engineer in Germany and a Registered Engineer in Hong Kong. He was a firm believer in life-long learning and was conferred with various academic qualifications, including a Doctor of Engineering by the University of Warwick of the United Kingdom, a Master Degree in Industrial Engineering and a Master Degree in Buddhist Studies by the University of Hong Kong, a Master Degree in Business Administration and a Master Degree in Social Science by the Chinese University of Hong Kong, a Master Degree in Arts (Language & Law) and a Master Degree in Law by the City University of Hong Kong, etc.

Over the years, Dr. NG served in various government boards and committees. He was the Chairman of the Occupational Safety and Health Council, the Chairman of the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency, the Deputy Chairman of the Vocational Training Council, to name but a few. He was also the Deputy Chairman of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University Council before his decease.

In recognition of his contributions to the society, Dr. NG was appointed as a JP and honoured the MBE by the Hong Kong Government in 1992 and 1995 respectively. After the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), the Government of the HKSAR awarded Dr. NG with the Bronze Bauhinia Star and the Silver Bauhinia Star in 2002 and 2011 respectively.

The Executive Director of the ERB, Mr. Stanley NG was sad at the passing away of Dr. NG. He described Dr. NG as a man with determination yet flexible, dedicated to nurturing and enhancing the manpower quality of Hong Kong. He was wise, modest and courteous, and earned the respect and support of all Members and colleagues of the ERB. The decease of Dr. NG was not only a loss to the ERB, but to the Hong Kong society as a whole.

The ERB acknowledged the whole-hearted and remarkable contributions of Dr. NG. On behalf of the ERB, Mr. Stanley NG expressed our deepest sympathy to Dr. NG’s family. The ERB would continue Dr. NG’s endeavours to help steer the organisation scale new heights.

Post Date:15/1/2013

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