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Home > Press Releases > 2020 > ERB to resume classroom training in phases and orderly manner from next week onwards

ERB to resume classroom training in phases and orderly manner from next week onwards

The Employees Retraining Board (ERB) announces that ERB courses in classroom training mode will be resumed in phases and orderly manner starting from next week (4 May 2020) onwards.  To safeguard the health of trainees, related persons and the general public, ERB has issued the “Guidelines on Precautionary Measures against COVID-19” for the strict compliance of training bodies pertaining to class resumption. 

In the first phase, ERB will resume classroom training of courses with no or minimal direct or close human contacts (Please refer to the Chinese press release for the course lists).  Subject to the epidemic development, ERB will further resume courses involving group discussions or role-play with a view to gradually increasing the number of resuming courses to over 500, representing about 70% of all ERB courses.  ERB recommends training bodies to adopt smaller class setting and resume courses starting with those classes already commenced before suspension and then new classes of selected courses. Training bodies offering these courses must meet the pre-requisites for class resumption and implement a host of precautionary measures in compliance with the “Guidelines on Precautionary Measures against COVID-19”.  ERB will step up monitoring and class inspection.  Individual training bodies may adjust the class resumption arrangements with respect to their own situation and at their discretion.  In case of any changes, the latest information announced by the training bodies concerned shall prevail.  

ERB will closely monitor the progress of the first phase of class resumption and the epidemic development, and then further assess the feasibility of resuming more courses and services in June 2020. Announcements will be made in due course.

Moreover, ERB will continue the online learning arrangement introduced on a pilot basis on 6 April. At present, there are more than 60 courses provided online. Training bodies can apply to organise additional online training courses to meet the needs of trainees.

Should trainees and members of the public have any enquiries, please contact respective training bodies direct.  For other queries, please call ERB hotline 182 182 or visit the ERB website: Starting from 4 May 2020, the counter service at ERB Siu Sai Wan Office and ERB hotline 182 182 will resume normal operation from 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday.

Post Date:29/4/2020