All Smart Helpers have completed at least one of the following relevant ERB courses:
Service Provided
Foundation Certificate in Domestic Helper Training#
Pet care
Foundation Certificate in Pet Groomer and Shop Assistant Training
Foundation Certificate in Pet Grooming Assistant Training - Youth Training Programme
Foundation Certificate in Pet Care Worker
Elderly Care / Personal Care
Foundation Certificate in Escort Service for Out-patient Visit Training
Foundation Certificate in Care Worker Training#+
Foundation Certificate in Elderly Care Worker Training#
Foundation Certificate in Care Worker for Discharged Patients Training
Certificate in Health Worker Training
Foundation Certificate in Care-related Support Worker Training#+
Foundation Certificate in Escort Service for Out-patient Visit (Part-time)
Healthcare Massage*
Foundation Certificate in Healthcare Massage
#Trainees of the above courses(Including “Foundation Certificate in Domestic Helper Training” offered in part-time (half-day or evening) mode) have to attend the standardized practical assessments conducted by the ERB Practical Skills Training and Assessment Centre ("PSTAC"). For other courses, trainees are required to attend the assessment(s) by individual training bodies.
+ Including the “Foundation Certificate in Care Worker Training” or "Foundation Certificate in Care-related Support Worker Training" obtained under the Modular Certificates Accumulation Scheme.
*There are additional requirements and different registration procedures for trainees to provide healthcare massage service.
Quality Service Award
To encourage Smart Helpers to provide quality service to employers, Smart Living presents "Quality Service Award" to Smart Helpers who frequently received "very satisfactory" comments from employers.