Management Structure

To ensure the impartiality and credibility of the Scheme, expertise and support from different sectors are enlisted in the management, implementation and promotion of the Scheme.

Technical Consultant

ERB has appointed the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency as the Technical Consultant of the Scheme to undertake assessments of participating organisations and prepare assessment reports in accordance with the established accreditation mechanism and assessment criteria.

Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency

Honorary Advisors (HA)

Our Honorary Advisors provide valuable advice to help ERB:

  • establish the acceptability and credibility of the Scheme
  • advise on the assessment mechanism of the Scheme having regard to market development
  • review the proposed awardees’ list of the Scheme
  • advise on the overall operation and future development of the Scheme

List of HAs (in alphabetical order)

Prof. Randy CHIU, MH
Professor Emeritus, Hong Kong Baptist University and Visiting Professor, Hong Kong Metropolitan University
Ms. Virginia CHOI, JP
Chairperson, Continuing Professional Development Alliance
Mr. Lawrence HUNG
President, Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management
Mr. LAM Ming-wing
Head of Corporate Human Resources,
The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited
Mr. Brian LIU
Controller (Human Resources, I.T. and Admin.), Yan Oi Tong
Mr. Teddy LIU
Founder & CEO, Corporate & Talent Development Limited
Ms. Queena PUN
General Manager - Rewards and Organisation Development, The Airport Authority Hong Kong
Ms. Mandy TANG
Director, Belle Asia Limited
Prof. Peter YUEN
Dean, College of Professional and Continuing Education,
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Supporting Organisations (SO)

Supporting Organisations help promote the Scheme and disseminate the latest information through their extensive membership network, and co-organise publicity events with ERB.

List of SOs (in alphabetical order)

Continuing Professional Development Alliance Employers' Federation of Hong Kong
Federation of Hong Kong Industries Hong Kong Association for Customer Service Excellence
Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management Hong Kong Institute of Marketing
Hong Kong People Management Association Hong Kong Retail Management Association
Quality Tourism Services Association The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce
The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong The Hong Kong Council of Social Service
The Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium Business The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers
The Hong Kong Institute of Directors