Home > Corporate Governance > Membership
Membership of Employees Retraining Board:
- Mr. YU Pang-chun, GBS, JP
- Professor Simon WONG Kit-lung, BBS, JP
Employers' Representatives
- Dr. Hon Johnny NG Kit-chong, MH, JP
- Mr. Harold WONG Tsu-hing, JP
- Ms. LAM Kwan, MH
- Ms. Alice WONG Nga-lai
Employees' Representatives
- Mr. LI Wing-foo
- Mr. LAM Tin-fu
- Mr. TAM Chi-chung
- Ms. LUI Kit-han
Persons connected with Vocational Training and Retraining or Manpower Planning
- Professor Chetwyn CHAN Che-hin
- Ms. Margaret CHENG Wai-ching, JP
- Ms. Jenny CHIU Wai-han
- Mr. Donald TONG Chi-keung, GBS, JP (Executive Director of the Vocational Training Council)
Government Representatives
- Ms. Alice LAU Yim, JP (Permanent Secretary for Labour and Welfare)
- Ms. May CHAN Wing-shiu, JP (Commissioner for Labour)